Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mountain Village District Nurse part 2

On Saturday 6th April 2014 I said goodbye to my last ski guests of the winter. Had the Sunday off, of course I went skiing, then started my brand new position as District Nurse on the Monday. Well, not quite brand new as I'd been helping out occasionally since August.

In my experience here in Wengen, every business takes their workers out to dinner twice a year, once in winter and then again in summer. The Hotel Baren took us to Europa Park in 2010, (it's a funfair park with big rides, in Germany), then to Paris last month. Some places really like to give their staff a treat.

The Spitex (District Nurse Organisation) ladies wanted to go to Ballenberg (Outdoor Swiss Life Museum near Brienz) for dinner in August 2013. However, there were a few clients who required help, up in Wengen in the evenings. Hence my rather sudden jump into a job that wasn't to start officially for another nine months.

The Works Vehicle and me at work!

I've been working for Spitex a whole month now. It's not full time, more like 40% - 50%. Mostly mornings, finished by about 13.00. They've agreed to allow me to continue with the ski teaching, I'm not yet ready to give up that fantastic job just yet. Of course, my regular private guests are very happy about that, and so am I.

These last two weeks I've been allowed out on my own. What a stress to begin with! I'm used to having my patients all in one place. Here they are spread out between seven villages. Not only have I to learn about each individual, but also where to find them. Which chalet? Which appartment? Where they keep the key in emergences!  There are no road names only areas and each chalet has a name rather than a number.


Today, for instance, I had to visit a lady in Gimmelwald whom I'd never met before. We'll call her Frau Graf (not her real name, but a very typical local name instead). My colleague couldn't tell me the name of the house only how to find it. I couldn't find Fr Graf in the telephone book but luckily I was given her number.


 I followed the instructions to the letter. Found the house, went round to the right hand valley side and up the steps. Rang the goat bells, knocked on the door. No response. Well, this lady is expecting me, now what?

Something might have happened to her, maybe she is lying on the floor having fallen over and can't get to the door. So I opened the front door, it wasn't locked. Everyone is so trusting here, which is really lovely. Although I will point out that I was watched very closely by a neighbour sitting on her balcony not far away.


I opened the door a crack, 'ooo oooo'd' my hello, it's a multi-lingual greeting! And saw the post on the kitchen table. All addressed to a Herr von Allmen (again not the real name but another typical local one). I was in the wrong house!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mountain Village District Nurse

Back almost eighteen months now a local lady stopped me in the street.  I was on my way to meet my guests, skis on shoulder, dressed for a cold day on the mountain. This lady explained briefly that due to retirement, eighteen months hence, her job would be available and would I be interested?

Now, in my experience, it has been those jobs that landed in my lap that have been the most enjoyable and long lasting. Ski School Wengen asked me if I'd like to join them back in 1990. I've now just completed my 23rd season full time ski teaching. Met some wonderful people and made many life long friends.

Class 1 February 1995, back in the days when anything up to 18 people in a class was acceptable.

Kids Class 4 February 2000

Private Guest  Dr Kenyon 2004

Whilst getting on the train in Wengen, back in 1992, the train driver called me up to the front. I knew him to be a saxophonist in the Lauterbrunnen marching band I had recently joined. It turned out he also conducted the Youth Band in the Lauterbrunnen Valley. There were four girls who wished to learn to play the flute, would I be interested in teaching them? Well, that grew to become twenty-one pupils in 2002. I had to pull out of the Youth Music Scheme then in order to concentrate on working my dissertation and studying for a BSc Hons degree in Phytotherapy. But still to this day have a couple of students who have lessons occasionally.

I'm playing piccolo, Wengen Marching Band circa 1998

Then there is the Hotel Baren here in Wengen who approached me in 1999 to help out with the waitressing as they were short on manpower. This turned into a regular summer position serving breakfast a few mornings a week. Even now, with my new position we'll see if I can fit in a morning or so a week.

 I have now joined the District Nursing Team, Lauterbrunnen Valley. How will this job turn out? Only time will tell.

Easter Skiing in Wengen

We skied until the very Easter end of winter, yes in Wengen. Okay, we couldn't quite get back to the village but it was well worth making it down to Allmend to sit on the big sofas, sipping a cool coke, topping up the tan whilst waiting for the train.

 Okay.....not quite the cool coke, but at least beer and Bergfrauen Kaffee contain 8 teaspoons less sugar!
There was a little bit of walking to get to the bar, hence the celebration at the end.

However, the skiing at the top was fabulous. With beautiful off piste runs.
Looking to First with the Wetterhorn.

Grindelwald in the green!

Spring skiing with a successful Gallery jump or two, one fell, and one opted out.

The Eiger

The Eiger