Monday, May 25, 2009

It's roasting!

Today in Wengen Dorf Strasse at three o'clock, the temperature was 31C! In the picture above, from yesterday, you can see it was also a beautiful day, but brewing for a down pour. Big drops of rain sparkling in the sunshine fell about an hour later.

Following are several pictures from my hikes this weekend.
Murren Bach with 430m drop.

Looking back to Wengen from Stechelberg.

Sweet violets, bury your nose in them for a heavenly scent.

I think this is a Dactylorhiza majalis.
This orchid doesn't appear have an English common name. Translated from the German it would be "broad leafed orchid"

Ibex. Seen just off the path after Mettlen Alp.

I'm off home to UK again on Wednesday to celebrate mum's 70th birthday. I promise to be more prolific with my postings on my return.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

From My Front Door

This is the view from my front door. The alpine meadows, at this height of 1200m, are just coming into bloom. Down in the valley the dandelions have already gone to seed.
I was delighted to find this snakeshead lily, Fritillaria meleagris, yesterday.

Also just beginning to flower, here in Wengen, are the early purple orchids, Orchis mascula.

The Eiger

The Eiger