Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Ski Season has begun.

We skied this weekend.

 Lauberhorn, Arven and Eigernordwand lifts opened for the ski instructors CPD (Continual Professional Development) course. Truth be told, they probably wouldn't have opened were it not for us 200 instructors wishing to keep our licenses up to date. Saturday was clear blue skies, today cold and snowing. Even some powder. There were a few crazies off piste yesterday, despite lack of a decent base.

My shins and calves are sore and bruised, it was painful to put my boots on this morning. A relief to remove them this evening. How does anyone ever enjoy a weeks holiday on skis? I lathered on the arnica cream last night and this morning, and will continue to do so for a few days. Home made of course.
The English equivalent would be daisy, an old English name being Bruisewort, which has similar properties to arnica. According to Mrs M. Grieve (A Modern Herbal, 1982, pg 247) who quotes Gerard,  'Bruisewort' is an unfailing remedy in 'all kinds of paines and aches'.

Thankfully, I now have a week to recover before the area actually opens for real. A fantastic start to the season.

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The Eiger