Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ski Fit?

After my two full days of skiing I have no muscle aches or pains, just the soft tissue damage from the boots. This is because of two major reasons: I do my best to keep fit and I use good technique for my skiing.

What's my fitness programme? I hike, bike and climb throughout the summer. I have a daily stretch and back strengthening routine, incorporating some yoga positions, and while at home in the UK in November I joined a gym and weight trained every other day for three weeks. 

But the real trick is to find an exercise routine that you enjoy.

It makes a big difference to your skiing holiday to be as physically prepared as possible. 

An older gentleman skied with me ten, fifteen years running til well into his seventies. He is a tall, heavy set man who 'admits' to being 17 stone. The first few years with him I found rather worrying. Every four or five turns he had to stop to wipe the sweat from his brow and catch his breath. I was convinced he'd have a heart attack. Technique wise he skied a reasonable parallel turn and had many years of experience on skis. His goal at this point was to be able to ski top to bottom of Wixi lift, without stopping. My advice, get a personal trainer at the local gym, and go at least weekly, throughout the year.
The following years, he'd lose two stones through regular gym visits between Christmas and his ski trip in March. 
The skiing goal was attained.

It's time to get fit for your skiing holiday!

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The Eiger

The Eiger