Monday, June 8, 2009

On the Hoof Blister Remedy

On a short hike last week, one of the first of the season, a blister started to rear it's ugly head. It was only a stroll of a couple of hours, I had not one plaster with me. then I spotted this leaf:

Tussilago farfara Tuss - cough, lago - away, farfara - with the fairies.

Coltsfoot. The German name is Huflattich. And the Swiss call it Zytroesli

So this plant is a cough remedy, but only recommended for use over a period of no longer than 6 weeks in a year. This is due to certain alkaloids in its constituents that have been known to cause liver damage.

However, it is also a wound herb. These leaves are quite thick, the underside being very soft and furry.

These two leaves are no longer. They were picked and placed furry side next to the offending article, enabling me to continue on my way in comfort.

The placement of a leaf over the area of a headache will apparently relieve the pain. Still to be tested by me on this one.

I'm off now up the mountain to see what I can find.

Til later

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The Eiger

The Eiger